Futa Radiation and Health Physics Masters Syllabus

The M.Tech. programme shall be for a period of 18 months. The first two semesters shall be by course work and examinations. The third semester shall be by thesis based on a research proposal submitted and approved at the end of the second semester.

M.Tech in Radiation and Health Physics

1 PHY 801 Methods of Mathematical Physics 2 1 0 3
2 PHY 803 Electrodynamics 2 1 0 3
3 PHY 817 Digital Electronics 2 0 3 3
4 PHY 821 Quantum Mechanics 2 1 0 3
5 PHY 823 Computation Physics 2 0 3 3

1 PHY 804 Advanced Laboratory and Experimental Techniques 0 0 9 3
2 PHY 822 Radiation Detection of Spectroscopy 3 0 0 3
3 PHY 824 Advanced Nuclear and Energy Physics 3 0 0 3
4 PHY 826 Radiation Protection and Dosimetry 3 0 0 3

1 PHY 811 Atomic and Molecular Theory 3 0 0 3
2 PHY 815 Non-conventional energy sources 3 0 0 3

1 PHY 899 Master’s Thesis Research Project 0 0 18 12

PHY 801 Methods of Mathematical Physics 3 Units
Techniques for the solution of Boundary value problems, use of Green’s functions, integral Equations, Vector Spaces, Tensor Transformations, Materials, Complex Variable theory, Group, Representations and symmetry.

PHY 803 Electrodynamics (3 Units)
Concept of potential and its applications, Single and multiple boundary value problems, The electromagnetic field’s energy, forces and momentum relations, Maxwell’s equations’ solutions of the wave equation. Applications to radiating systems, Elements of relativistic electrodynamics, Moving charges, classical electron theory.

PHY 817 Digital Electronics (3 Units)
Switching circuits, Gates: AND, OR, NOR, NAND, NOT, EX-OR and EX-NOR gates, logic circuit designs. Sum of products and Products-of-sums expression, Karnaugh maps. Flip-flops. Arithmetic circuits: Adder and Subtractors. Binary multipliers. Counters and counter applications. Memory devices. Introduction to microprocessors and microcomputers.

PHY 821 Quantum Mechanics 3 Units
Quantum Mechanics of one particle system, Quantum Mechanics of Heisenberg, Matrix mechanics and
transformation theory of Quantum Mechanics, Theory of angular momentum and spin, Zeeman effect, Time
dependent and time independent approximation methods and application, scattering theory, Dirac equation, low order radiation processes, relativistic Quantum Mechanics.

PHY 823 Computational Physics (3 Units)
Numerical linear algebra, root finding, approximation theory, integration, ordinary differential equations, optimization techniques, initial and boundary value problems, finite element methods, direct and indirect methods in matrix theory, optimization with constraints, analysis of numerical stability, computer programming.

PHY 804 Advanced Laboratory and Experimental Techniques (3 Units)
Three projects in electronics and in basic physical techniques, e.g. vacuum techniques, optical

PHY 822 Radiation detection and Spectroscopy (3 Units)
Principles of radiation detection. Review of interaction of radiation with matter, Ionizations and excitations. Survey of detector types: Gas-filled, scintillation and semiconductor detectors. Nal (TI) detector characteristics and resolving time. Liquid scintillation analyses, quenching, Solid state (semiconductor) detectors; the HpGe detectors, Photo-peak efficiencies and multichannels pulse height analysis. Detectors resolutions. Measurement statistics, Nuclear analytical methods: Thermal and fast neutron activation: neutron sources and neutron reaction cross-sections, energy dependence, resonance. Neutron activation analysis and applications. X-ray fluorescence analysis, the yield equation, sources, domain of application, analytical parameters. Track analysis; principles of fission and charge particle tracks, radio measurements. Isotope dilution and solvent extraction methods of radiometric analysis. Principles of the gamma and positron cameras.

PHY 824 Advance Nuclear and Energy Physics (3 Units)
Review of fundamentals of Nuclear Physics: the nuclear atom (Rutherford’s model and the Bohr’s modifications). Nuclear properties: nuclear structure and models, nuclear stability, nuclear moment, parity and statistics. Forces between nucleons: deuteron, nucleon-nucleon and proton-proton scattering. Nuclear reactions (scattering, collisions), conservation of physical quantities, Q-value determination, cross-sections, the Breit-Wigner formula, excited states of nuclei, nuclear decays: Alpha, beta and gamma decay processes. Theory of decays: quantum mechanical tunneling, the Gamow factor, X-rays following beta decay, the Femitheory of beta decay. Energetic of gamma decay: internal conversion, position annihilation, isomeric transitions, branching ratios and lifetimes of excited states. Spontaneous fission, Fusion and accelerator. Elementary particle physics. Peaceful uses of nuclear energy techniques in Research, Industry, Medicine, Agriculture and the Environment.

PHY 826 Radiation Protection and Dosimetry (3 Units)
Radiation units and quantities. Environmental radiation, Environmental monitoring. Background and artificial sources of exposure. Radiation exposure pathways (external and internal exposures). Review of biological effects of radiation. Radiation risks (health effects). Principles of radiation protection, Legislation of radiation protection, Radiation shielding and protection. Attenuation coefficients and half-value thickness. Waste disposal and decontamination procedures. Principles of dosimetry. Dose conversion factors, Dose limits (for radiation workers and members of the general public). Microdosimetry. Primary and secondary dosimeters. Dose assessment techniques; Experimental, epidemiological and model calculations.

PHY 811 Atomic and Molecular Theory (3 Units)
Quantum mechanical description of the hydrogen atom, electron spin, angular momentum vector and interaction. Radioactive transitions. ED approximation probability. Selection rules; The self-consistent field formations and the Hartre-Fork equations, Multiplex structure by Recah methods, Hyper-fine couplings and isotope shift, Atoms on crystal lattices, The stark and Zeeman effects, Vibrational-rotational structure of diatomic polyatomic molecules, Molecular orbitals.

PHY 815 Non-conventional Energy Sources (3 Units)
Conventional and non-conventional energy sources; Bio-mass energy, energy storage in plans. Manufacture of synthetic fuel. Desertification and fuel wood conservation, Fossil energy, petroleum exploration. Energy consumption in industry, transportation and other sectors. Nuclear energy, nuclear reactions, nuclear fission and fusion, Reactor design, Efficient use of energy in small and medium forms. Waste utilization and recovery. Energy analysis and optimization; improving efficiency of power plants for production of electric energy. Energy planning.

PHY 899 Master’s Thesis Research Project (12 Units)
Theoretical/Experimental project supervised by qualified lecturer(s) in the relevant field of interest leading to a certified thesis to be defended at the end of the programme.

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