Futa Space Physics Masters Syllabus

The M.Tech. programme shall be for a period of 18 months. The first two semesters shall be by course work and examinations. The third semester shall be by thesis based on a research proposal submitted and approved at the end of the second semester.

M.Tech in Space Physics

1 PHY 801 Methods of Mathematical Physics 2 1 0 3
2 PHY 803 Electrodynamics 2 1 0 3
3 PHY 817 Digital Electronics 2 0 3 3
4 PHY 821 Quantum Mechanics 2 1 0 3
5 PHY 823 Computation Physics 2 0 3 3

1 PHY 804 Advanced Laboratory and Experimental Techniques 0 0 9 3
2 PHY 850 Planetary Atmospheres 3 0 0 3
3 PHY 852 Ionospheric Physics 3 0 0 3
4 PHY 854 Physics of Geomagnetic Phenomenon 3 0 0 3

1 PHY 856 Space Weather 3 0 0 3
2 PHY 858 Satellite Imagery 3 0 0 3

1 PHY 899 Master’s Thesis Research Project 0 0 18 12

PHY 801 Methods of Mathematical Physics 3 Units
Techniques for the solution of Boundary value problems, use of Green’s functions, integral Equations, Vector Spaces, Tensor Transformations, Materials, Complex Variable theory, Group, Representations and symmetry.

PHY 803 Electrodynamics (3 Units)
Concept of potential and its applications, Single and multiple boundary value problems, The electromagnetic field’s energy, forces and momentum relations, Maxwell’s equations’ solutions of the wave equation. Applications to radiating systems, Elements of relativistic electrodynamics, Moving charges, classical electron theory.

PHY 817 Digital Electronics (3 Units)
Switching circuits, Gates: AND, OR, NOR, NAND, NOT, EX-OR and EX-NOR gates, logic circuit designs. Sum of products and Products-of-sums expression, Karnaugh maps. Flip-flops. Arithmetic circuits: Adder and Subtractors. Binary multipliers. Counters and counter applications. Memory devices. Introduction to microprocessors and microcomputers.

PHY 821 Quantum Mechanics 3 Units
Quantum Mechanics of one particle system, Quantum Mechanics of Heisenberg, Matrix mechanics and transformation theory of Quantum Mechanics, Theory of angular momentum and spin, Zeeman effect, Time dependent and time independent approximation methods and application, scattering theory, Dirac equation, low order radiation processes, relativistic Quantum Mechanics.

PHY 823 Computational Physics (3 Units)
Numerical linear algebra, root finding, approximation theory, integration, ordinary differential equations, optimization techniques, initial and boundary value problems, finite element methods, direct and indirect methods in matrix theory, optimization with constraints, analysis of numerical stability, computer programming.

PHY 804 Advanced Laboratory and Experimental Techniques (3 Units)
Three projects in electronics and in basic physical techniques, e.g. vacuum techniques, optical instrumentation.

PHY 850 Planetary Atmospheres (3 Units)
Basic concepts of the Earth’s atmosphere; Atmospheric nomenclature, hydrostatic equations, scale height, geo-potential height, chemical concepts of the atmosphere; thermodynamic considerations, elementary chemical kinetics, composition and chemistry of middle atmosphere and thermosphere, thermal balance in the thermosphere, modeling of neutral atmosphere. Dynamics of the Earth’s atmosphere, Equation of motion of neutral atmosphere, thermal wind equation, elements of planetary waves, internal gravity waves and atmospheric tides, fundamental description of atmospheric dynamics and effects of dynamics on chemical species. Solar radiation and its effect on atmosphere: Solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere, attenuation of solar radiation in the atmosphere, radiative transfer, thermal effects of radiation, photochemical effects of radiation. Atmosphere of planets and satellites: Inner and outer planets; atmospheric structure and composition of the Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Saturn and their important satellites.

PHY 852 Ionospheric Physics (3 Units)
Introduction to ionosphere. Photochemical processes, Chapman’s theory of photoionization. Production of ionospheric layers, Loss reactions and chemistry of ionospheric regions, morphology of the ionosphere. Ionospheric propagation and measurement techniques, Effect of ionosphere on radio wave propagation;
refraction, dispersion and polarization, magneto-iossnic theory, critical frequency and virtual height, oblique propagation and maximum usable frequency, ground-based techniques, ionosonde, radars scintillations and Total Electron Content (TEC), photometers, imagers and interferometers, Ionospheric absorption, rocket- and satellite-borne techniques, Langmuir probe, electric field probe, retarding potential analyzers, mass spectrometers, magnetometers, vapour release, satellite drag for neutral density. Ionospheric plasma dynamics: Basic fluid equations, steady state ionospheric plasma motions owing to applied forces, generation of electric fields, electric field mapping, collision frequencies, electrical conductivity, plasma diffusion, ionospheric dynamo, equatorial electro-jet, ionospheric modeling. Ionospheres of other planets and satellites. Ionospheres of Mars, Venus and Jupiter.

PHY 854 Physics of Geomagnetic Phenomena (3 Units)
Elements of solar physics: Structure and composition of the Sun, the Sun as a source of radiation, sunspots and solar cycles, solar flares. Magnetic field of the Earth and other planets: Models for generation of geomagnetic fields, secular variations of geomagnetic fields, local elements of geomagnetic fields, determinations of geomagnetic coordinates of stations, Transients various of geomagnetic fields, diurnal variation of geomagnetic fields, geomagnetic pulsations, magnetic fields of other planets. Equatorial anomaly. Magnetosphere of the Earth and other planets, Solar wind and its characteristics, interplanetary magnetic field and sector structure, formation of geomagnetic cavity, magnetopause, magnetosphere and bow shock, polar cusp and magnetotail, plasma sphere and Van Allen radiation belts, magnetosphere of other planets. Geomagnetic field modeling. Aurora and Airglow: Nightglow, day glow, twilight glow, aurora, applications of airglow measurements for ionospheric dynamics and composition.

PHY 856 Space Weather (3 Units)
Elements of space weather: Geomagnetic storms, sub-storms and current systems. Coronal mass ejections, modification of earth’s magnetosphere during magnetic disturbances and its implications, effect of magnetic disturbance on high, mid and low latitudes. Measurement techniques for solar and geomagnetic parameters: optical techniques for solar parameters, radio techniques for solar parameters. X-ray. Space Missions. Space Weather Prediction: Modeling of Space Weather parameters.

PHY 858 Satellite Imagery (3 Units)
Overview of remote sensing technology; history and evolution. Electromagnetic radiation and its interaction with matter. Spectral characteristics of crop/vegetation, soils, water etc. Remote sensing platforms, sensors and ground systems. Satellite remote sensing: classification by orbit, application, advantage and
disadvantages, type of observation, orbital dynamics. Types of satellites. Overview of Earth observation satellites. Overview of optical infrared (IR) remote sensing sun-synchronous satellites. Overview of polar platforms and meteorological satellites; high-resolution satellites, radar satellites, other missions. Imaging
technology. Photogrammetry. GPS: concepts, techniques, systems and applications. GIS: concepts, principles and applications, GIS models, GIS components, inputs to GIS; GIS database design and organization, integration in GIS, querying in GIS, GIS outputs and visualization, accuracy of data in GIS, GIS integration errors.

PHY 899 Master’s Thesis Research Project (12 Units)
Theoretical/Experimental project supervised by qualified lecturer(s) in the relevant field of interest leading to a certified thesis to be defended at the end of the programme.

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