Futa Physics Post Graduate Diploma PGD Syllabus

The PGD shall be for a period of 12 months. The two semesters shall be by course work and examinations. The candidates shall present a research project submitted and approved at the end of second semester.

1 PHY 701 Mathematical Methods 2 1 0 3
2 PHY 703 Analytical Mechanics 2 1 0 3
3 PHY 705 Introductory Solid State Electronics 2 1 0 3
4 PHY 707 Digital Electronics 2 1 0 3
5 PHY 709 Electronics Devices Design & Fabrication 2 1 0 3

1 PHY 702 Electromagnetism 2 1 0 3
2 PHY 704 Quantum Physics 2 1 0 3
3 PHY 706 Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation 2 1 0 3
4 PHY 708 Nuclear and Particle Physics 2 1 0 3
5 PHY 710 Vacuum Physics & Thin Film Technology 3 0 0 3
6 PHY 712 Energy Conservation and Storage 3 0 0 3

1 PHY 799 PGD Research Project 0 0 18 6

PHY 701 Mathematical Methods 3 Units
Methods of solving first order o.d.e. and second order o.d.e. with constant coefficient. General theory of nth order linear equations. Laplace transform and its use to solve initial-value I problems. Simple treatment of partial differential equations independent variables. Application of o.d.e. to physical life. Special functions of mathematical physics e.g. gamma function, hypergeometric function, Legendre functions, Bessel’s functions, Hermite and Laguerre functions, Dirac Delta function, Fourier series and transforms. Solution of boundary value problems of p.d.e. by methods of separation of variables and integral transforms Calculus of residues and its application to evaluation of integral and summation of series. Applications to various physical situations which include e.m. theory, quantum theory and diffusion phenomena. Techniques for the solution of boundary value problems. Use of Green’s functions.

PHY 702 Electromagnetism 3 Units
Electromagnetic: Superposition, Coulomb’s Law, electrostatic force etc. Gauss’ Law and applications. Poisson and Laplace equations. Boundary value problems, Magnetostatics, static field and matter, electric and magnetic energy. Faraday’s law. Moving charges in function fields. Maxwell’s equations and applications. Introduction to spherical waves.

PHY 703 Analytical Mechanics 3 Units
Conservative forces and potentials, Central forces problems. Rigid body dynamics, generalized motion,
mechanics of continuous media. Degrees of freedom, generalized coordinates. Lagrange’s formulation of
mechanics applications. The calculus of variation and the action principles. Hamilton’s formulation of
mechanics and applications. Oscillatory systems, including damped, forced and coupled oscillations: Normal

PHY 704 Quantum Physics 3 Units
Formulation of quantum mechanics in terms of state vectors and linear operators. The theory of angular
momentum and spin. Time-dependent and Time-independent perturbation theory. Scattering theory, elastic potential scattering. Green’s function and partial wave methods. Selected phenomena from each of atomic physics, molecular physics, solid state physics and nuclear physics are described and interpreted using quantum mechanical models. Some aspects of quantum statistical mechanics.

PHY 705 Introductory Solid State Electronics 3 Units
Electrical conduction in metals and semiconductors. Energy barrier. Motion of charge in electric and magnetic fields. Hall effect. Photoelectric, thermionic and secondary electronic emission phenomena, effects and applications. Fabrication of electronic devices; diodes, BJT, FET, Solar cells. Introduction to thin films. Application to IC manufacture.

PHY 706 Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation 3 Units
Principles of measurement errors, accuracy, Detailed working electrical/electronic instruments such as Qmeter, Watt-meter, C.R.O., Semiconductor tester, X-Y plotter, Digital and analogue meters, transducers and their applications, operational amplifiers, Introduction to the design of electronic equipment.

PHY 707 Electronics 3 Units
Logic gates: AND, OR, NAND, NOR, EX-OR, EX-NOR, NOT, flip-flop. Types of Logic gates family: DTL, TTL,
CMOS, NMOS, ECL, Logic outputs; Totem pole open collector, tristate Combination of systems. Boolean
algebra. De Morgan’s law, Karnaugh maps, Quinne-McCluskey method. Minimization by computer. Digital
switches. Multiplexers and De-multiplexers. Counters: Asynchronous and Synchronous Counters. Converters:
Digital to analogue and analogue to digital converters.

PHY 708 Nuclear and Particle Physics 3 Units
Nuclear structure: Nuclear properties, nuclear size, nuclear masses, nuclear forces, nuclear-nucleon
scattering, the deuteron. Nuclear models. Radioactive decay. Radiation and detectors spectroscopy. Neutron physics, fission and fusion. Nuclear reactor and nuclear energy. Elementary particles: Conservation laws, partial classification. Strong electromagnetic and weak interactions

PHY 709 Electronics Devices and Fabrication 3 Units
Fabrication, design and application of micro-circuits, IC technology, doping process, fabrication of simple
devices, pn junction, LEDs, transistors etc.

PHY 710 Vacuum Physics and Thin Film 3 Units
Design and characterization of vacuum systems: different types of vacuum pumps and their uses,
measurement of low pressure, different types of pressure gauges; use of valves and other vacuum materials.
Industrial uses of vacuum systems, vacuum heating, furnaces, induction heating, electron bombardment
heating. Vacuum evaporation by various means, evaporation sources and techniques, substrate and surface
preparation for thin film deposition in vacuum. Epitaxial. Growth processes. Heat treatment of thin film,
compatibility of films and substrates, sputtering techniques, deposition of thin insulating films by RF,
sputtering preparation and use of masks for thin film deposition. Characterization and application of thin films.

PHY 799 PGD Research Project 3 Units
A research project in contemporary physics under the supervision of a staff. A detailed report on the research is presented at the completion of the project.

PHY 712 Energy Conversion and Storage 3 Units
Theory of modern energy conversion, transmission and storage methods; windmills, heat engines, classical engines, ocean thermal energy converters, thermoelectric thermionic, fuel cells, production of hydrogen, electrolytic, chemical thermolytic, photolytic, hydrogen storage, photoelectron converters, photothermovoltaic, biomass, photosynthesis production of methanol and ethanol from vegetable matter.

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