Uniben Food Science and Nutrition Undergraduate Syllabus

Food Science is a body of knowledge dealing with the nature of food, its composition and behaviour, utilization and how these are affected by processing, storage, preservation and preparation.
Today, Food Science has developed into a profession in its own right, fully recognised by government, industry, educational bodies, and increasingly by an informed public and is now a popular professional discipline amongst students. The scope of nutrition covers the description and function of nutrients, digestion and absorption, effects of nutrient deficiencies and toxicities, requirements, food sources, nutrient interactions, dietary guidelines and the role of nutrition in health and diseases. Recent knowledge supports the hypothesis that concepts in nutrition are expanding from survival, hunger satisfaction and preventing adverse effects to emphasizing the use of food to promote a state of well-being and better health and to help reduce the risk of diseases. The rare combination of Food Science and Nutrition therefore provides a balanced platform for intending graduates to become potential employees in government, industry, medical and private sectors of the economy. Furthermore, the professional discipline provides for selfemployment and the creation of wealth.
The need to have experts with a bias in the above discipline is indispensible for regional and national development. It is sad to note that the South-South geopolitical zone; particularly the Edo/ Delta region has remained backward in the area of capacity building for her indigenes in relation to the opportunities in the Nigerian food industry as no institution in the region offers the programme. In effect, the lack of training opportunities in the Edo/ Delta region has robbed citizens of the region of the bountiful job opportunities in the Nigerian food and beverage subsector of the economy. Consequently, it is partly to correct that anomaly that this unique and industry-related practical academic programme has been developed to offer young citizens this indispensible discipline in Nigeria’s quest for sustainable food security and agro— industrialization  drive. It should be noted that this combination is the first of its kind in Nigerian universities; it is taught as an option at the University of Legon, Ghana and Newcastle University, Australia.
The B.Sc (Food Science and Nutrition) programme, though domiciled in the Faculty of Agriculture, is designed to be multidisciplinary in nature, involving experienced and seasoned experts from College of Medicine, Basic Medical Sciences, Pure and Applied Sciences as well as Engineering to give robust learning to students. The duration of the programme is five (5) years. The course synopsis entails a robust and balanced mix of lectures and practical training programmes in the fundamentals and practice of Food Sciences, Human Nutrition and how both components interact to combat problems that pertain to well-being and disease reduction. The programme is also flexible as it allows for elective courses that would be an added advantage to students. General courses will be offered in the first year of the programme as those in the sciences. The fundamentals of the science of food, fluid mechanics and basic computer skills will commence in the second year. More advanced concepts and practical sessions will make up the third to final year curriculum. It is anticipated that in the long run, students will have three (3) options to specialize in as they proceed – Food Science, Nutrition and a combination of both.
100 Level Courses First Semester
Course No
Course Title

Introductory Zoology I

4 Core
CHM 111
General Chemistry I

CHM 113
Organic Chemistry I

GST 111
Use of English I

GST 112
Philosophy and Logic

PBB 111
Diversity of Plants

PHY 109
Practical Physics

PHY 111
Mechanics,    Thermal
Properties of Matter
PHY 113
Vibrations, Waves and Optics

3 elective


Second Semester
Course No
Course Title
AEB 122
Functional Zoology
4 Core
CHM 122
General Chemistry II
CHM 124
Organic Chemistry II
GST 121
Use of English II
GST 122
History and Culture
GST 123
History and Philosophy of Science
MTH 123
Vectors, Geometry and Statistics
PBB 122
Plant Form & Function
Electromagnetism and Modern Physics
4 elective

*Only one elective required to be taken by students.

200 Level Courses First Semester
Course No
Course Title
AGR 213
Introduction      to       Agricultural
3 Core
ANS 211
Principles of Animal Production
CSC 110
Introduction to Computing
FIS 211
Introduction to Fisheries Resources of West Africa
FSN 210
Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology
FSN 211
Engineering Drawing 
FSN 212
Introduction to Nutrition and Dietectics
FSN 213
Laboratory/Workshop Practice 
FSN 214
Engineering Thermodynamics 
MCB 210
Introductory Microbiology

Second Semester
Course No
Course Title
FSN 221
Nutritional Biochemistry
FSN 222
Introduction   to       Food           Science         & Technology
FSN 223
Material Science
FSN 224
Community Nutrition
FSN 225
Fundamentals of Nutrition & Dietetics 
FSN 226
Fluid Mechanics
FSN 227
Public Health Nutrition
FSN 228
Strength of Materials


300 Level Courses First Semester
Course No
Course Title
AGR 311
Statistics & Field Experimentation
3 Core
FSN 311
Food Biochemistry
FSN 312
General Microbiology
FSN 313
Fundamentals of Food Processing
FSN 314
Food Processing Lab
FSN 315
Food Engineering I
FSN 316
Diet Therapy and Hospital Practice I
FSN 317
Applied Human Nutrition
FSN 318
Technical   Writing    and    Project
FSN 319
The Food and agro-industrial Resources of Nigeria

Second Semester
Course No
Course Title
CSC 220
Introduction to Data Processing
FSN 321
Food Chemistry
FSN 322
Food Chemistry Laboratory
FSN 323
Unit Operation in Food Processing
FSN 324
Food Machinery Maintenance
FSN 325
Postharvest Physiology and Storage of Horticultural Produce
FSN 326
Basic Metabolism
FSN 327
Food Analysis I
FSN 328
Food Microbiology I


400 Level Courses First Semester
Course No
Course Title
FSN 410
Public Health Nutrition II
FSN 411
Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
FSN 412
Fish,   Dairy    and   Meat   Products
FSN 413
Recipe Development and Evaluation
FSN 414
Roots and Tuber Crops Processing
FSN 415
Food Biotechnology
FSN 416
Food Dehydration Technology
FSN 417
Food Microbiology II
FSN 418
Diet Therapy and Hospital Practice II
FSN 419
Processing of Grains and Plant Foods
CED 300

Second Semester – (SIWES – 6 Months)
Course No
Course Title
FSN 420
Food    Process    and   Preservation
FSN 421
Nutrition Counseling and Education
FSN 422
Food Packaging and Distribution
FSN 423
Quality Assurance
FSN 424
International Nutrition


500 Level Courses First Semester
Course No
Course Title
FSN 510
Consumer Education
2 elective
FSN 511
Food product Development
2 core
FSN 512
Food Analysis II
3 core
FSN 513
Food Standards Law and Quality
2 core
FSN 514
Egg and Poultry Products Technology 
2 core
FSN 515
Fats and Oil Products Technology
3 core
FSN 516
Food Equipment Design and Lab
2 core
FSN 517
Nutrition   in    Health   Promotion,
Exercise and Sports
2 core 
FSN 518
International Food Policy
2 elective
FSN 519
Toxic Constituents of Food
2 elective

Second Semester
Course No
Course Title
FSN 521
Selected Topics in Human Nutrition
2 elective
FSN 522
Post-Harvest Technology
2 core
FSN 523
Thermal Processing of Food
FSN 524
Traditional African Foods and
Preservation Techniques
FSN 525
Fermented Foods and Beverages
FSN 526
Nutrition in Health and Diseases
FSN 527
Family Life Education and Family Planning
FSN 598
Students Seminar
FSN 599
Research Project


AGR 213 Introduction to Agricultural Biochemistry (3 Credits)  Chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleotides, polynucleotide. Vitamins and their coenzyrne function, minerals  The nature, classification and function of enzymes and hormones. (2 hours of lectures and 3 hours of practical) 

ANS 211 Principles of Animal Production (3 Credit)
Livestock industry-problem and prospects: Description of the breeds of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, and rabbits; Systems of livestock production; Feeding habits of Farm animals; Principles of breeding and livestock judging; General principles of management of the different types of farm animals. (2 hours of lectures and 3 hours of practical). 

CSC110 Introduction to Computing (3 Credits)
History of Computers, functional components of a computer, characteristics of a computer, problem-solving, flowcharts and algorithms. The Internet, Social, ethical and professional issues of computing, software, hardware and networking development trend. Social application of computing; network communication, Internet piracy/crime, computing technologies and computer applications.   

FIS 211 Introduction to Fisheries Resources of West Africa (2 Credits) 
The important fishes of West Africa with emphasis on Nigerian species: Classification, evolution, morphology and basic structure of fishes; The adaptation of fish to aquatic life; Life cycle of principal species of fishes; Significance of fishes in the lire of Nigerians; The fish industries in Nigeria; Fundamental principles of fisheries management and production. 

FSN 210 Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology (3 Credits)
Cell and its functions. Water balance, body fluid constituents. Exchange between fluid compartment. An introduction to basic anatomy and physiology in various systems. Nerves and muscles as agents of communication in the body. Kidney as osmo-regulator of the body. Body homeostasis. Physiology of growth, pregnancy and lactation. Blood and other fluid circulation. Oxygen transport, haemoglobin respiration. Kidney, urine formation and kidney function. Hormones.
Homeostasis control. Blood and immunity, protective mechanisms of the body. Circulatory, respiratory, endocrine and digestive systems of the body. Special sense organs. Human growth and development. Major organs of the nervous system – brain and spinal cord.

FSN 211 Engineering Drawing (2 Credits) 
Types of lines, plane geometry, tangency construction, bisection and division of lines, construction angles, construction of regular polygons, construction of ellipse, construction of hyperbola and parabola, Dimensions and tolerancing, Isometric and orthographic projection construction of an in volute. Projection of models in technical drawing; free-had sketching and instrumental drawing. 

FSN 212 Introduction to Nutrition and Dietetics (2 Credits)
Nutrition and Dietetics as a field of study and as a profession. Roles, responsibilities and professional practice in dietetics in the health sector and other areas of work. Patients’-professionals relationship and communication. Culture and dletetics. Major concern in nutrition and dietetics, areas of specialization in nutrition and dietetics. The use of reflective practice and self evaluation in clinical practice. Out-patient affiliation: welcoming patients, study of referral notes. Clinical/anthropometric assessment. Interpretation of laboratory results. Taking diet history. Evaluation of adequacy of dietary intake.
Intervention (counseling, dietary information sheet). Making follow-up appointments. Record keeping. In-patient affiliation: rapport with other health workers in the ward. Reading patients’ folders and Doctors’ referrals. Intervention (counseling, dietary information sheet). Record keeping and follow up. Meeting patients’ relatives or caregivers. Classification of diet; ulcer diet, diabetic diet, according to consistency or nutrient; high protein, high calorie, low protein, etc. General principles of diet preparation with emphasis on local foods, personal hygiene.

FSN 213 laboratory/Workshop Practice (2 Credits) 
Workshop setting: types of workshop equipment, machines and materials, instruments and tools. 
Wood work-Wood work equipment. Wood joinery. Metal work equipment. Metal joinery. 
Safety procedures in workshops. 

FSN 214 Engineering Thermodynamics (2 Credits)
Basic concepts, deformations and loss. The ideal gas, heat and work, perpetual motion machines, reversible and irreversible processes and cycles; entropy, thermodynamic properties of ideal and fluids. Introduction to power refrigeration cycles, the first law of thermodynamics, application to open and closed systems. The steady state flow equation (Bernoulli’s equation) and application. Second law of thermodynamics and heat cycles.

MCB 210 Introductory Microbiology (3 Credits) 
Introduction to fundamental principles and methods in Microbiology. Structure, systematic, growth and function. Preliminary study of viruses. Role of microbes infection, food and industry, and in the environment. 

FSN 221 Nutritional Biochemistry (2 Credits)
Bioenergetics. Nutrient interrelationships in metabolism. Environmental factors that alter nutrient requirements. Regulatory mechanism of various nutrients. Biological oxidation. Mitrochondrial and electron transport systems. Protein and nucleic acid metabolism and synthesis. Inborn errors of metabolism. Metabolic nutritional diseases, diabetes, PEM, Gout, hyperlipidaemia and allergies. Toxins and detoxification in humans. Infective agents in food. Natural food toxins. 

FSN 222 Introduction to Food Science and Technology (3 Credits)
Scope and roles of Food Science and Technology, Review of global Food Situation with emphasis on Nigeria; local and exotic food commodities of plant and animal origin Introduction to the micro— flora or foods. Physical, chemical and biological principles of food processing and preservation. Food groups/classification. Food spoilage factors. Indigenous food processing methods. Food additives. Introduction to the concept of engineering Credits and dimensions applicable to the food industry, stoichiometry, chemical equations and flow charts 

FSN 223 Material Science (2 Credits) 
General consideration of materials of construction for food machinery. Design features and functions of equipment used in cleaning, sorting, grading, size reduction, mixing, emulsification, filtration and centrifugation, concentration and other unit operations in the food industry Atomic and molecular structure, crystals. Metallic states. Defects in crystals, conductors, semiconductors and insulators. Alloy theory: Application to industrial alloys, steel in particular. Engineering properties their control. Hot and cold working, heat treatment, etc. Creep, fatigue and fracture.

FSN 224 Community Nutrition (2 Credits)
Evolution of human diet. Food habits and socio-cultural aspects of food to include food behavious, taboos. Determinants of food choice. Factors related to nutrition in Nigeria, including income, population, belief systems, labour, customs, seasonal variations, prestige/status. Assessment of ecological factors and basic nutritional needs at the community level. Environment and nutrition. Portable water, safe sewage disposal, immune action. Home gardens. Roles of community nutritionists. Importance of Afrrican food in the community. Food composition tables. The role of nutrition in  promoting, maintaining and improving health in the community. Methods for discovering community problems and the practical application of nutrition information for improvement of the nutritional status of the population. Household food security. Dietary guidelines for selection of an adequate diet.   

FSN 225 Fundamentals of Nutrition and Dietetics (3 Credits) 
Relationship between nutrition and health; Food nutrients; Classes, sources, absorption, metabolism, functions, requirements and deficiencies in humans. Nutrients bio-availability. The contribution of carbohydrate in occurrence of diabetes, obesity and dental caries. Biological evaluation of protein quality, protein efficiency ratio, Net proteins utilization, Biological value, relative protein value, chemical score. Fats and Oils in human nutrition. Water and electrolytes in human nutrition. Chemistry, sources and functions of energy in human nutrition. Energy value of nutrients in foods; physiological fuel values, factors that determine total value of energy and nutrients. Functional foods in Africa. 

FSN 226 Fluid Mechanics (2 Credits) 
Elements and basic equation of fluid statics: density, pressure, surface tension, viscosity, compressibility, etc. hydrostatic forces on submerged surfaces due to compressible fluid Introduction to fluid dynamics conservation laws. Introduction to viscous flow. fluids characteristics. Application of fluid mechanics. Boundary layer flow systems. Basic concepts of heat transfer. Heat exchange and design. Mass transfer, mass transfer coefficients. Concepts of diffusivity, momentum and mass transfer. Application of the theory of heat, mass, momentum in  transfer in the food industry.

FSN 227 Public Health Nutrition (2 Credits)
Malnutrition as a health problem: causes and classification of malnutrition; concept of health and nutrition in coping with diseases of public health concern. Principles and purpose of public health. Techniques involved in identifying and assessing incidence and prevalence of public health problems. Rapid assessment procedures, key informants, triple A approach, primary health care. Maternal and child nutrition including breastfeeding and child spacing 

FSN 228 Strength of Materials (3 Credits) 
Force equilibrium, free body diagrams, Concept of stress, strain: Tensile test, Young’s module and other strength factors. Axially loaded bars, composite bars. temperature stresses and simple indeterminate problems. Hoop stress; cylinder-rings. Bending moment, shear force and axial Core diagrams for simple cases. Simple torsion and application. Corrosion and Corrosion control. Non-metallic materials: glass, rubber, concrete, plastics, wood and ceramics. Elastic and plastic deformations. Defects in metals.

AGR 311 Statistics and Field Experimentation (3 Credits)
Concept of statistics and test of significance: Fields experimentation, and design, selection of a design for specific situations to include oneand two-way classifications; Latin square, split plot, factorial and nested designs; Multiple mean comparisons; Data collection, analysis and interpretation the specific designs. 

FSN 311 Food Biochemistry (2 Credits)
Introduction; hydrogen ion concentration and buffers. Properties of water, solvent nature, dissociation, ionic products, Henderson Hasselbach equation, importance of buffers in biochemical systems. Food macromolecules. Primary metabolic pathways. Biochemical energetic, Basic enzymology. 

FSN 312 General Microbiology (3 Credits)
Historical aspects and scope of microbiology with emphasis on the place of micro-organisms in the world. Types of microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiae, Chlamydia, protozoa, algae, etc. Growth and reproduction of microorganisms. General characteristics of microorganisms. Sterilization and disinfection. Structure; ecology and reproduction of representative genera. Cultivation of microorganisms.
   Isolation        of       bacteria,       fungi,        viruses,       etc. 
Nutrition an biochemical activities of microorganisms. Antigens and antibodies Economic importance of selected microbial groups. Microbial variation and heredity.

FSN 313 Fundamentals of Food Processing (2 Credits) 
Basic methods of food processing and preservation. Principles and practices in thermal and low Temperature preservation, dehydration/drying, concentration, irradiation and fermentation. Discussion should include equipment and systems. Preliminary and preparatory operations of raw materials: selection, sorting, cleaning, grading and storage including discussion for the industrial equipment. Principles of food plant sanitation. 

FSN 314 Food Processing Lab (1 Credit)                                                                Practical applications of FST 313

FSN 315 Food Engineering I(3 Credits) 
Dimensional analysis. Now properties of food materials. Mechanical operations. Extrusion Basic design features of food handling equipment. Physical and Engineering properties of food materials. Strength of food materials. The use of young modulus, the shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio in the evaluation of food strength. 

FSN 316 Diet Therapy and Hospital Practice 1 (3 Credits)
Diet as therapeutic tool.  Drug and physical therapy. Abnormalities of the GIT tract. Therapeutic diets with the approach of boosting African food qualities. Functional foods in Africa. Examination of selected metabolic diseases: HIV, cancer etc, etiology, metabolic pathways and the importance of medical nutrition therapy. Dietary management in disease states. Consideration of factors in patients care plan, coordinated nutritional services for patients; therapeutic adaptation of the normal diets using local foods. Problems of planning therapeutic diets using local foods. Use of food composition table to prepare diet, to understand human senses, gestation, taste, organoleptic assessment. Principles of nutritional modification for the underweight, PEM, Cancer, HIV/AIDS, nutritional care plan and dietary treatment, nutrient need        in       surgery-post-operative          nutritional     care    following
gastrointestinal tract surgery; study of the diet for the vulnerable group, diarrhea in infants; oral rehydration therapy.

FSN 317 Applied Human Nutrition (2 credits)
Basic needs throughout lifecycle. Nutrient requirements and deficiencies. Primary Nutritional Diseases;  Starvation, Beriberi, pellagra, Obesity, PEM, Rickets and Osteomalacia. Food additives. Nutritional Toxicology. Nutritive value of food and changes during cooking, processing and storage. Fiber in foods and nutritional importance. Nutritional Toxicology. Food fortification. Nutrition in menu planning. Sources of toxic components of food, cyanogenic glucosides, microbial toxins. Hazards from pesticides, toxicity of packaging materials. Overview  of Causes of malnutrition, prevention and cure of malnutrition. Assessment of Nutrition disorders. Nutrition labeling. Nutrition Interaction. Food processing and nutrient retention. Non-conventional foods. Nutrition, learning and mental development.

FSN 318 Technical Writing and Project Reporting (2 Credits) 
Basic features of research proposals, projects write up, feasibility studies, seminar presentation. criteria for the assessment of research proposals and projects write up and seminars e.g presentation (Computer-aided seminar presentation), abstract, introduction, methodology, results and references. Sociological surveys. 

FSN 319 The Food and Agro-industrial Resources of Nigeria (2 Credits)
Definition of resources. Classification of resources, identification of existing food and agro-industrial resources in Nigeria. Model for use of existing resources. Identification of potential resources, management processes, maintenance as a culture and a management process. 

CSC 220 Introduction to Data Processing (3 Credits)
Data processing concepts, Electronic data processing and computers, Files, Computer applications, information systems, staffing and Systems control, Communications, the Internet, current trends in computing; computer careers. 

FSN 321 Food Chemistry (3 Credits) 
Food constituents and composition,. Nature and properties of water, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, pigments, food additives, flavor compounds, etc. Chemical physical and biological changes of rood constituents during harvesting, storage, processing and preservation. Oxidation and interaction of food constituents including enzymic and non-enzymic browning: Solutions and intermolecular forces. Food emulsions. Chemistry of food groups, cereals and legumes, baking chemistry, brewery technology, etc, roots and tubers, fish and meat, Anti-nutritional factors in food. 

FSN 322 Food Chemistry Lab (1 Credit) 
Practical application of Food Chemistry

FSN 323 Unit Operations in Food Processing (3 Credits) 
Definition of unit operation and its importance in food processing and food engineering. Basic  designs and operations of equipments used in food processing.
      Principles            of           operations           of           dryers. 
Pasteurization. Evaporation as a unit operation, design, and types of evaporators. Materials and 
Energy Balance. 

FSN 324 Food Machinery Maintenance (2 Credits) 
Design, fabrication, construction and maintenance of simple food handling and processing equipments. Efforts should be geared towards improving upon the available technology. Properties of food machinery contact metals and other materials. Design features and junctions of cleaning, sorting and grading equipment for agricultural produce: grains, Quits, vegetables and livestock products. Design, size reductioncutting, milling, shredding, etc agglomeration, filtration, sedimentation and classification equipment. Mechanical separators (expression and centrifugation). Agitation, mixing and homogenization equipment. Electric motors. 

FSN 325 Post Harvest Physiology & Storage of Horticultural Crops (3 Credits) 
Post-harvest physiology of horticultural commodities including ripening and senescence. Regulation of ripening and senescence (respiration and ethylene phenomena). Handling and physiological disorders and diseases of horticultural commodities. Response of plant food commodities to stress conditions and injury. Control of postharvest losses. Handling and storage of cereal grains and legumes. Measurement and control of temperature, relative humidity, moisture of stored foods. Study of food structures. Principle and practice of storage. 

FSN 326 Basic Metabolism (3 Credits)
Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, vitamins and minerals; chemistry and mode of action of enzymes and hormones. Composition, chemistry and analysis of selected food/agricultural products.

FSN 327 Food Analysis (3 Credits) 
Sampling techniques. Proximate analysis (moisture, fibre, protein, either extract, ash, carbohydrate) of foods. Analysis of microconstituents in food (minerals, Vitamins, colours, additives and contaminants). The principles and application of analytical methods such as photometry, colourmetry, gravimetry, refractometry. General principles of chromatographic techniques (column, paper, thin layer, gel, gas-liquid, gas-solid, high performance liquid chromatography). Analysis of edible oils, properties and composition of ash. Wet digestion of foodstuffs, and determination of minerals, chloride and
phosphorus. Determination of vitamins,  sugars, starches and preservatives.

FSN 328 Food Microbiology I (3 Credits) 
Micro-organisms classification and functions. Study of microorganisms associated with spoilage of fruits, vegetables. Sea-foods, meat and meat products, nuts, spices, frozen nods, canned and fermented foods. Microbial aspect of food processing and preservation. Public health aspects of food microbiology including food poisoning (bacteria, protozoan, viral and hermetic). Control and investigation of food borne diseases. Microbial indicators. laboratory methods of assessing microbiological status of different classes of food commodities. Sanitation
FSN 410 Public Health Nutrition II (2 Credits)
Nutritional problems of Nigeria of public health importance. Nutritional epidemiology. Prevalence and incidence of nutritional diseases in Africa with emphasis on Nigeria. Improving social and economic services at all levels with special interest on the vulnerable groups. Effect of malnutrition and physical and mental development. Steps to improve health and nutritional status of people. Food sanitation and safety. Environment and nutrition. Development of primary health care and nutrition in Nigeria. Intervention and management of nutrition programmes (food fortification, supplementation) and their policy implications. Governments and voluntary agencies efforts in solving health and nutritional problems. Nutrition surveillance. Gender and nutrition, SAM/PEM, VAD, IDD, IDA. Nutrition and emerging nutritional problems. HIV/AIDS, malaria. Nutrition in childhood, adolescence, adulthood, aged, pregnancy and lactation. Review of infant feeding practices in Nigeria and other countries. Biochemistry and physiology of malnutrition including starvation. Physiology of pregnancy and lactation. Nutrition, learning and mental development.

FSN 411 Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics (3 Credits)
Classification of nutritional diseases, clinical signs of malnutrition. Clinical definition of different types of malnutrition. Clinical syndromes of malnutrition and micronutrients deficiency. Parenteral Nutrition support in severe cases. Nutrition management and support at ICU, NRC and follow up at home of vulnerable groups. Management of severe malnutrition. The application of nutrition to clinical problems: metabolic response to injury, nutritional requirements in diarrhea, Measles and other Febrile illnesses. Prevention of nutritional problems. Relationship between maternal diet and pregnancy outcome. Concept of children at risk (low birthweight, twins etc.) Nutrition in obesity, Coronary and Ischaemic Heart Disease, Diabetes, Neurological Disorders, HIV/AIDS. Nutrition in the Aged, Nutritional Assessment of Hospitalized patients. Discussion of over-nutrition, diseases due to biological and chemical toxicants in food. Diets and dental diseases. Diet and cancer.

FSN 412 Fish, Dairy and Meat Products Technology (3 Credits)  Pre-slaughter examination of animals, inspection of carcasses. Meat quality assessment. Manufacture of sausages, bacons, corned beef, ground beef, suya. handling methods in fish preservation: freezing smoking, salting, canning, oiling, irradiation, etc. slaughter, carcass dressing and identification of meat and poultry cuts. Processing of meat, poultry, eggs, seafood into meat products such as sausages, corned beef, balls, canned fish and other table meats. Aging, tenderization, curing, smoking, freezing, canning, drying and other methods of preserving animal tissue. the meat industries in Nigeria. Milk and dairy processing and storage technologies.

FSN 413 Recipe Development and Evaluation (2 Credits)
Definition and types of recipe. Needs for new recipes. Factors contributing to aceeptability of recipe. Assignment in recipe development from African foods. Sensory evaluation of foods. Assignment in sensory evaluation. Fundamental principles of food quality evaluation and standard taste, flavour, shape, size, texture, colour and appearance, principles of formulation and presentation. Acceptability trials, selection of participants, analysis of results; emphasis on development and testing of economical and nutritious foods from familiar and commonly used and acceptable ingredients or new breeds of food stuffs.     

FSN 414 Roots and Tuber Crops Processing (2 Credits) 
The Classification of root and tubes produce; their chemical composition and nutritive value. The processing and utilization of cassava, yams, potato and cocoyam. The industrial processing and uses of cassava and potato tubers. Yam and cassava storage technology.

FSN 415 Food Biotechnology (2 Credits) 
Scope, principle and practice of Biotechnology. Potential of Biotechnology in food processing and preservation, Biotechnology in waste management and environmental enhancement. Application of biotechnology of indigenous food production. Genetic improvement of fermentation processes, application of genetic engineering to modifications o raw materials and development of new food ingredients including enzymes, flavours, colours, sweeteners, emulsifiers, stabilizers, etc. 

FSN 416 Food Dehydration Technology (2 Credits) 
Mechanisms in food dehydration. Trends in food dehydration. Detailed treatments in the principle, designs and construction of drying equipments such as solar dryer, spray dryer, fluidized bed dryer, and cabinet dryer. Intermediate moisture food. 

FSN 417 Food Microbiology II (2 Credits) 
Indicator organisms: Coliforms, Feacal Coliforms, E. Coli, Enterobacteriaceae, other indicators Food spoilage: microbial functions, food composition, degradation of components, spoilage of fruits, vegetables, animal products, dairy products, canned foods. Controlled degradation by useful microorganisms. 

FSN 418 Diet Therapy and Hospital Practice II (2 Credits) 
Advanced study in diet disease states. Application of the basic nutritional principles and diet therapy in the treatment of diseases of specific organs, endocrine, pancreas; various metabolic diseases, liver disease, gall-bladder disease, thyroid, pancreas, kidney diseases, anteriosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, disease of the nervous system, study of allergy, food allergies, allergic reactions and dietary management; diet in skin diseases, study inborn errors or metabolism and their nutritional care, interaction between drugs, nutrients and nutritional status. Dietary counseling and patient care. Hunger and satiate. Effect of drug, alcohol and tobacco on nutrition. Diet therapy of various pathological and metabolical disorders with emphasis on the diseases of the locomotors, respiratory, nervous systems.

FSN 419 Processing of Grains and Plant Foods (2 Credits) 
Technology and chemistry of the principal cereals. Milling technology (wet and dry) including particle size analysis. Use of milling products and by-products. Principles and practice of baking (baking, biscuits, cakes, etc) and their evaluation. Breakfast cereals. Manufacture of special Fours and composites. Nitrification options of cereal products. Harvesting and pre-processing operations. Processing and preservation of fruits and vegetables including size reduction, canning, fermentation, freezing and dehydration. Processing and preservation of cocoa and cocoa products, tea, sugar, coffee, confectionery and soft drinks. Syrups Protein isolates and concentrates, local seasonings and other novelty products.     New product  development. Soft drink manufacture.

SIWES (6 months) (12 Credits) 
Student arc expected to participate actively in a small, medium and large scale food enterprise. 

FSN 420 Food Process and Preservation Techniques (2 Credits) Concept and scope of food processing and preservation. Techniques involved in the Processing and preservation of different types of foods. Low temperature preservation and the use of preservatives. Consideration in the selection of equipment for food processing. Unit operations in food processing. 

FSN 421 Nutrition Counseling and Education (2 Credits)
Behavioural change communication for healthy living. Problems of communication and mass communication. Nutrition counseling. Planning and management of exhibitions. Evaluation of nutrition education aids. Assignments on nutrition and the media. Formal and non-formal aspects of nutrition education. Nutrition education by whom to whom, and for what. Activity oriented programmes adopted in fostering nutritional education and nutritional status of people. Concept of nutrition in the dissemination of nutrition education at household, village and institutional levels. Factors influencing teaching and learning. Uses and problems of visual aids in nutrition education by various groups. Behaviour and attitude of nutrition education.  
FSN 422 Food Packaging and Distribution (2 Credits)
Definition, role and importance of food packaging. Principles of food packaging. Characteristics of food packages (metal, glass, paper and plastics). Structural quality and performance of packaging materials. packaging requirements for specific fresh and processed for local and international markets. Distribution patterns of food materials within and outside Nigeria. Effects of distribution on food keeping quality. Legislation on packaging (including food labeling) and distribution of fresh and processed foods to local and international markets.
FSN 423 Quality Assurance (2 Credits)
Food quality parameters and specifications. Principles and methods of food quality assurance. Production line quality control including sampling plans. Construction of quality charts. Statistical methods: analysis of variance (ANOVA), regression and correlation coefficients. Concept of HACCP and risk analysis in microbial quality assessment.

FSN 424 International Nutrition (2 Credits)
Role of international relief organizations. International food security courses and implementations. Global harmony through nutrition. World food and nutrition policy formulations. Global environmental protection and nutrition. Nutrition programmes during international wars, famine, droughts, etc. by nations and households. Globalization and its impact on nutrition in the developing countries. Human rights to food and adequate nutrition. Political dimensions of malnutrition and international economy of foods. Conceptual approach to the global solutions of nutrition policy. Relationships of various United Nations agencies in averting world hunger. Genetically modified foods, nutrigenomics, etc.

CED 300 Entrepreneurship (2 Credits)
Definition, nature and functions of entrepreneurship. Generating and developing business ideas: conducting marketing survey. preparing a business plan. Legal aspect of entrepreneurship. Risk and Insurance, Taxation, financing a business venture. Record Keeping and credit control, computer application for the small business, selecting, remuneration and motivating employees, Time management and skills, Attracting and retaining customers, Export operations for the small business enterprises, Ethics and good business practice.

FSN 510 Consumer Education (2 Credits)
Definition and principles of consumer education. Analysis of economic forces affecting individuals and families as consumer of goods and services. Creating awareness of the rights and responsibilities of consumer in the  market place, developing aids and techniques for making intelligent choices of goods and services. Political, social, economic and legal implication of consumer decisions and actions.

FSN 511 Food Product Development (2 Credits)  
Evaluation of factors involved in the development of new rood product, Technical, socio cultural, economic, technological know-how. Availability of raw materials. Costing, consumer behavior, and acceptability. Evaluation of product based on quality and cost. Codex alimentarius. GRAS comp compounds. Case studies in food product development. Characterization of the developed food product.
Statistical assessment of food quality factors. 
FSN 512 Food Analysis II (3 Credits) 
Application of modern instrumental and computer-aided methods of analysis to the examination of food products; colorimetry, photometry, spectroscopy, chromatography. refractometry, polarimetry, adsorptimetry, and polarohraphy. Preparative thin layer chromatography separation of lipids of butter. Gas chromatography: GLC analysis of methyl esters. Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy. Analysis of food flavours. Column chromatography: separation on spandex columns. Infra red spectroscopy, Atomic absorption spectroscopy, determination of minerals in milk. 

FSN 513 Food Standards, Law and Quality Assurance (2 Credits) Food standards and various laws and legislations for establishing food standards and grades Sensery quality control assessment scores and data interpretation. Quality control of selected foods of plants and animal origins. GMP/GHP in food production and processing. HACCP concepts and principles. 

FSN 514 Egg and Poultry Products Technology (2 Credits) 
The egg and poultry industry in Nigeria and globally. Characteristics, structure and composition of the egg shell, albumen and yolk. Microstructure of yolk particles, effects of storage and processing on properties of eggs and egg products. Poultry slaughter operations; poultry processing and storage; poultry products technology. 

FSN 515 Fats and Oils Products Technology (3 Credits) 
Classification of lipids, role and uses of lipids in foods, lipids in foods, glyceride composition and structure, physical characteristics of lipids. chemistry and technology of  processing of fats and oils, and effects of processing on functional properties and nutritive value. Storage and packaging of oils and fats. 

FSN 516 Food Equipment Design and Lab (2 Credits) 
Design and fabrication of simple food handling and processing equipment from the concepts of the processes involved. Principles guiding selection of materials of construction. 

FSN 517 Nutrition in Health Promotion, Exercise and Sports (2 Credits) 
Study of communication and educational theories and techniques used to promote nutritional well-being with applications for a culturally diverse population. Study of the theoretical framework based in behavioural sciences and education as used in planning and delivering nutrition information and counseling. Nutrition and arteriosclerosis. Nutrition in kidney and hypertension, diabetes, alcohol and nutrition. Nutrition and cancer. Diet and stress. Dietary implication of diarrhea and tuberculosis. Nutrition and Dental Caries. Physiologic and biochemical basis for nutrients needs. Nutrition and health topics related to sports and physical activities. Maintaining and improving health. Understanding physiological and metabolic processes, and developing lifestyle options. Specialized nutritional needs of the athletes.

FSN 518 International Food Policy (2 Credits) 
Status of food and nutrition in the world; production levels of different items; pulse, tubers, cereals, meats, oils; population growth and food demand; structural changes and the demand for food in Africa and Asia; regionalism; food security and strategic grain reserves; agriculture, technological        change,         and     the     environment   linkages         between agriculture       and nutrition,  implications for policy research; case studies for consideration.

FSN 519 Toxic Constituents of Food (2 Credits) 
Toxic and anti-nutritional factors in foods, effects of toxins on Rod, Hazardous foods. Toxic factors induced by processing. Safe evaluation. The use of experimental animals in toxicological studies. Chemistry, biosynthesis and physiological effects of food toxins. Methods of removal of food toxins. Manner of processing of toxic foods. 

FSN 521 Selected Topics in Human Nutrition (2 Credits) 
Particulate food transport systems with reference to sedimentation, centrifugation,       fluidization,   pneumatic     and     hydraulic       transport. Communication of solid foods including particle size distribution, and analysis. Atomization of liquid. Detailed consideration of processes and equipment for dehydration and concentration.
FSN 522 Post Harvest Technology (3 Credits) 
Post-harvest physiology of horticultural commodities, Effects of temperature, relative humidity and gaseous atmosphere on transpiration and physiological processes involved in ripening and senecence including respiration. Control of diseases organism (bacteria and fungi), vertebrate (rodents and birds) and non vertebrates (insects and mites) in stored products. Appropriate post harvest loss reduction measures for developing tropical countries. Ventilated common storage. Simple refrigeration and cooling systems. Modified and controlled atmosphere storage. low pressure (hypobaric) storage. Bulk handling, drying and storage of cereal grains and legumes including large scale storage of grains in silos and warehouses. 

FSN 523 Thermal Processing of Food (2 Credits)
Principles of heat preservation of foods. Low and high temperature treatment. Spoilage of processed foods by microbes. Microbial spore resistance to heat. Heat penetration studies in thermal processing. Thermal processing evaluation, heat resistance, lethality and relevant calculations. Measurement and calculation of thermal process for industrial applications. Nutrient losses in heat processed food and quality degradation in heat preserved foods. 

FSN 524 Traditional African Foods and Preservation Techniques (2 Credits)
Historical, Scientific and Socio-economic bases and value of selected Traditional Foods of African origins. Their characteristics based on composition, raw materials, nutrition, value-chain, processing and preservation technologies. SWOT analysis and prospects of selected African foods in meeting the challenges of agro-industrial development and food security in Africa.  

FSN 525 Fermented Food and Beverages (2 Credits) 
fermentation technology, fomenters, Bioreactors fermentation processes. Application in foods. Enzymes technology, purification of acids, brewing technology, baking technology. Application on foods. 
FSN 526 Nutrition in Health and Diseases (2 Credits)
Evaluation of nutritional status; Weaning foods, food intake and nutritional disorders such as atherosclerosis, anaemia, ketosis, avitaminosis, kidney and liver functions. Fibers and importance in foods. Improvement of nutritional status. Micronutrient fortification, HAD, IDD and VAD.

FSN 527 Family Life Education and Family planning (2 Credits) 
Theories, concepts and principles of family communication, interaction, processes of decision making, conflict resolution, integration and networking systems in the family and community, inter-relationships of these to the wider society. Emphasis on the functions of the family as vital unit of the effective socialization and upbringing of responsible and productive members of society. Principles and concept of family planning, birth control and population education, modern and traditional technique of birth control, suitability, effectiveness and acceptability in various culture, family planning resources and availability, National Population Policies and Education in developing countries with emphasis on Nigeria.

FSN 598 Student Seminar (2 Credits)
Presentation and discussion of various topics in Food Science and Human Nutrition. The student is also expected to prepare and participate in seminars and present a seminar in the final year.

FSN 599 Research Project (6 Credits)
Research into a topic of interest in Food Science and Human Nutrition selected in consultation with a staff supervisor and approved by the Head of Department.


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